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All In One Eyecare Contact Lens.

Ongoing Professional Aftercare

Unrivalled aftercare that ensures your vision is protected all year round

Spectacles Frames

Over time, your eyes can change, often without symptoms or warning signs which may put you at risk for developing potentially serious complications, including vision loss.

Regular ongoing professional aftercare can help maintain eye health. Contact lens aftercare is not the same as a routine eye test. Contact len wearers need regular eye tests as well.

Some interesting facts about your age and your eye test:

  • Eyes under 10 - your eyes and vision changes with age. As an infant sight is poor and only by the first year do the eyes focus on images and objects. Iit is important to know how healthy your child's eyes are regular eye tests will help you discover and prevent any early sight deficiencies – lazy eye, colour blindness as well as the common deficiencies short-sightedness, astigmatism and long-sightedness.
  • Teens and no tears - with everyone using computers, mobile phones and watching television the eyes are affected and get strained. Poor vision that is not corrected can cause a host of side-effects such as headaches, tiredness and a more rapid deterioration of vision and visibility. In today's day and age it is important that teenagers with a host of gadgets have regular tests.
  • Contact lens assesment every year - If you are driving or playing sports poor vision can be a hazard. Making sure you have good vision is important at every stage of your life.
  • Post 40s and healthy eyes - a regular eye test can give you an early warning system to other unrelated problems eg. diabetes, thyroid deficiencies and hypertension.
  • Senior eye care - is a more delicate process as some deep routed eye problems can arisecataract, macular degeneration and glaucoma are some common eye problems that can be detected early with regular tests.


If you experience any problems with your contact lenses, please remove your contact lenses and come in to see us immediately.